Hello hello! It's been awhile since I've blogged because as y'all know, I've been really, really busy last weekend because of all the things that I had to do. Well, now that Kaka is back in Singapore, I can stop worrying about some stuff and continue to live life as per normal. :D Yes~ I think I'm extremely dependent on her already.
Anyway, it's a Thursday and I'm home tonight! I'm finally passed out as an operator! That means no more throwing me here and there and getting bossed around (well, this may not be true anyway since I'm still technically a man). By the way~ I got a plaque!! Photo's on Facebook because it's irrelevant to today's post.
Well, first up...
ayumi hamasaki - A 50 SINGLES ~LIVE SELECTION~
It's ayumi hamasaki's A 50 SINGLES ~LIVE SELECTION~ DVD!! This DVD set comes with 2 DVDs featuring all her singles performed LIVE during her tours. Well, other than her single "kanariya" which she did not performed live at all throughout her career - weird isn't it? This DVD set is to commemorate the release of her 50th single "L".
All 50 clips of her best live performances of her singles! This DVD was originally released alongside with
ayu-mi-x 7 but due to the fact that Japan press DVDs are extremely expensive and that they are not compatible with my PS3, I had to wait until the Code 3 Hong Kong version is out before getting this one. It's so much cheaper and it comes with a free toy (which I will show you later on~)!
Surprisingly, this DVD set comes with a sticker! Love freebies!! But I wonder what this sticker can actually be used for though. Looks like something that you would stick behind your iPhone or something but I guess I will just slot this inside the box for keepsake purpose.
Due to the sheer amount of contents, this collection has to be split into 3 DVDs and here is a close up on some of the tracks. Basically, the songs featured are picked from all her major tours (arena tours, Asia tours, etc) and they are supposedly the best! Can't wait to watch this collection - when I can find the time...
How the inside look like - simple and clean.
The lyric booklet that are colored using the colors of the rainbow. Cool concept but sadly, it's all text and there are no photos at all. A little disappointing because I would love to see ayu pose in some costume or something for this DVD set but oh well~ Better than nothing right?
At least she put her personal touch at the end where she thanks her band members, dancers and (can't you just read from the photo?!) of course, me. :) And yeap~ Isn't her signature adorable!
Okay~ That's all I have for A 50 SINGLES ~LIVE SELECTION~... Now...~~
ayumi hamasaki - Rock 'n' Roll Circus Tour FINAL
~7 Days Special~
Ta da!! Finally, the long awaited tour for her Rock 'n' Roll Circus album. This time, there are definitely more photos than the LIVE SELECTION DVD set so keep your eyes peeled. I've watched segments of the tour on Youtube and I must say, I'm really looking forward to watching this concert because it's so energetic and the stage design is awesome! "Microphone" was extremely well done!!
Well, unlike (miss)understood, My Story, ASIA TOUR 2010, this box is solid and opaque - no plastic, no transparency, no gimmicks. Just plain old cardboard holding the 2 DVD boxes inside. Weird design decision considering that the previous designs are so nice. Furthermore, I disagree a little with the front cover because ayu's background is a little distracting. Anyway, here's the back with the track list at the bottom. At least the logo's nice~

OH NO!! I missed out the photo of the second DVD covers! Oh well, please google it because I believe it's on the internet (somewhere) or wish that one fine day, I might decide to be a little bit more hardworking to go and take a picture of it because right now, I'm half-asleep and therefore, I shall not go back to the light box for more photos. This is how the inside looks like for the second DVD casing - 2 DVDs. One of which consists of the continuation of the first DVD (which is the main show) and the other one contains the special features like the MC segments, making offs and things like that.
And the long awaited lyric booklet has ayu's fierce face on the cover! Wow I've never seen her open her mouth this wide and angry before~ I've watched the opening segment on Youtube before and it was really fiery and fierce! Really brings out the whole mood of the "rock 'n' roll"!
"あなただから~"!! One of my favorite songs by ayu by far - "Microphone"! I can listen to it now and then and never get tired of it because it's so fierce and fantastic! Even the performance is good~ Loving her huge dress and energy on stage~ You should totally get this DVD to watch her perform because it's damn good!!
Some other snapshots of the lyric booklets - here's ayu in an Indian/Egyptian-inspired costume performing INSPIRE and Don't Look Back.
I may like the song "Microphone" but I think that these pages are the best ones in the entire booklet because of the bright and cheerful colors as well as the spontaneous energy from ayu. I'm all about good energies and that's why I'm also a fan of AAA~ Makes me feel like jumping and singing along with them!
And since I got these DVDs from Yesasia, I'm entitled to a free toy and here's the toy for this shipment - another Boo from Mario Bros! Just that this time, it's a really small toy but I like it anyway~ I think I can totally collect all the Mario toys from Yesasia one day.
Well, hopefully for the next few days, I may be able to bring you another entry, provided that I have the time and energy. I shall rest well this weekend to prepare myself for the next phase of my NS life in my new unit. Will probably be stuck there for slightly under a year until I ORD~
Can't wait!! Freedom is nearing~~
I'm kind of wondering, do you buy all of Ayu's albums???? Thank you btw. :)
Hello 実矢聖名子さん。I bought most of them but some are gifts from my friends. As for my collection, I believe I have quite a huge selection of albums and singles but definitely not all of them though because there are too many. :D But I should have all the major releases. :D