Fun Pack Song?

National Day Parade's "Fun Pack Song" to the tune of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance"?

Don't make Baby Gaga laugh!!

Well isn't this musical disaster?! Okay, let's ignore the part about them flaunting copyright regulations by using Lady Gaga's tune but the lyrics?

"Oh o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Oh o o o o o o o o
We like the fun pack song

"I want Newater and I want a cold drink
You and me, let's share a bit
I want a biscuit and I want a sweet
You and me, let's share this treat

Looks like Rebecca Black found her match for her infamous "Friday". Wait, I think Friday has slightly more educational and intellectual value as compared to this nonsense. It can be written in any other tunes but the lyrics itself is so......

"Oh boy you made me speechless~~"
- Lady Gaga
's "Speechless"

Why can't the creative directors actually find something better to do than to make weird songs like this? I know the purpose of this song is to introduce the fun pack (you know, the goodie bag that attracts all the patriotic, or not, people to the NDP) but this is a bit insane. Can't you do something like have a celebrity introduce the things physically through probably a skit? A cartoon animation - like the things inside the bag comes to life on the big screen?
But actually, people will dig through the bags and find out what's inside. You don't have to tell them that there are biscuits and sweets because they will find it! You don't have to tell them to wave the flag because they know what to do with the flag! Don't treat us like we're stupid please~

Therefore, I think the song is irrelevant and unnecessary but good thing they decided to remove it from the actual parade. Thank goodness Mr President didn't see it live but I doubt they can keep this hiccup away from him - he isn't disconnected from the country, you know. But at least he won't be embarrassed and go like "What the hell is going on with my country? The language is atrocious, as proven by this so-called 'song'!!"

Back to the point of copyright infringement. I'm really sick of having to explain to people how important copyright is because recently, I've been mocked at for buying original CDs and games. I've been told that I cannot download physical things, specifically camera lenses, but I can download music and games.

COME ON BITCH!! I can do whatever I want with my money and support all the original stuff I want because I'm not a cheapo like you! I support the great works of music creators, game designers, programmers, artists and artistes and the likes, unlike you who just rip off their stuff for free! CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!! 


Okay, personal rants aside, but I think the creative director made a boo-boo by obtaining the wrong rights. They obtained the rights to perform the song in public but not change the lyrics and that's why they removed the song - sadly not because it sounded retarded but that's good anyway.

And of course, the community online ain't happy with the bad song and they are coming down hard on the people who decided on the lyrics and concept. Honestly, I only got to know about this today but since I haven't been blogging for awhile, I shall just talk about it here. :P Gives me something to talk about.

Point is, Singaporeans should be more sensitive when it comes to intellectual properties. I mean, we, design students (or EX-design students) know how difficult it is to make a creative idea materialize into reality and we definitely would love the credit for it and for people to PAY for our hard work. I believe that given the prior knowledge, the creative director would have tried to obtain the rights for editing the lyrics but sadly, it's too late. At least they seek permission for performance of the song...

But the lyrics are still unforgivable!!

So let's get on with life and remember that this happened before and will never happen again to embarrass the nation - especially when Lady Gaga's in Singapore (big face palm!!)

Guard duty tomorrow on a weekend. That sucks... Shall go to bed in my second home. :D Gooder night y'all!!

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