ayumi hamasaki - FIVE (CD-only)

Surprise surprise! Instead of a new single, ayumi hamasaki, Empress of J-Pop is releasing a mini-album titled rather un-creatively "FIVE", which basically represents the 5 songs present in her second EP after "Memorial Address" years ago.

Yesterday, my copy finally arrived at my door step and I was so excited even though I was in camp because I've previewed some of the songs and they are extremely promising. In fact, I already have a favorite song in mind and I shall talk more about it later on in this post!

Well~ Let's look at this awesome album in pictures~

This album is released in 3 formats - the CD+DVD, CD-only and CD-limited edition and this time, I went for an unconventional choice in my opinion because this is the first Japan CD-only album that I bought because it comes with a bonus track. The limited edition one has nothing interesting other than a bunny girl replacing ayu on the cover and a downloadable character for the game "Tales of Xillia" and considering that I won't get that game, it wouldn't make sense for me to get the limited edition. I'll be getting the CD+DVD version once Hong Kong releases it - you know why, yes? :)

One of the prominent things you'll notice in this mini album is that ayu is really going out to collaborate with other singers such as JUNO (honestly, until today, I have no idea where he's from but I do know he's related to Tohoshiki or something) and Urata Naota. Besides that, she is working alongside with renown celebrity photographer, Leslie Kee (my idol!!) for the photos in this album. Stunning stunning!! Anyway, the CD-only version comes with the orchestra version of "beloved"~

The details on the sticker basically describes the song a little, like giving info on where the song is used elsewhere - be it the theme song of a video game, for commercials, etc. Almost all Japanese albums/singles should have this sticker on it. At least they are not stuck on the album itself like how they do it in Singapore press English albums - makes the cover ugly and clustered.

The obi!! It's been awhile since I blogged Japanese releases and how I miss the obis!! :P Like I said, the album is un-creatively named "FIVE" but at least the font used is interesting. Well, if you read my Adele's "21" packaging review, you would have realized that this wouldn't be my only album titled after a number. Come on now seriously~ Think of better names please!

I just had to take a photo of the album without the plastic covering because it's so gorgeous! In fact, I think this is one of her better covers in her recent releases because the rest are just way too simple~ Loving her high fashion clothing here and how she rocks her short hair! Well, it could be because the photographer, Mr. Kee, is amazing too!! Normally, I find that the covers of the CD-only versions of her albums or singles not as attractive as the CD+DVD version but this time, I think otherwise because this is really good~

Opening the case, you'll see the shiny pewter CD with the title of the album welcoming you into this short but fantastic album. Simple disc design but I'm liking it anyway~

It wouldn't do justice to Leslie if he isn't given a chance to show off his skills with ayu being the model in this album and he certainly didn't let go of this chance! The photos in this album is simply stunning. Well anyway, this is the first page of the lyric booklet.

Yes!! Lyrics for once! As usual, ayu wrote all the lyrics of this album even though she collaborated vocally with various artistes. She's always in control of what she's singing and that makes her songs sincere and true to who she is and because of that, people connect with her emotionally. That's why even after a decade, she still kicks ass and commands respect in Japan's music industry.

One of the photo spreads in the lyric booklet. It's a pity that she didn't go out to show off more high fashion dresses or go out to do location shoots. Oh well~ Considering that this is a mini-album, it can be forgiven, no? But but~~ She did take some good shoots with settings in her Memorial Address album though... 

The song that hit me instantly - beloved!! This soothing ballad is accompanied with a promotional video featuring children as well as her "Under the same sky" concept which she had been trending on Twitter months ago. Initially, I was slightly skeptical to the standards of this album because of the collaborations but this song gave the album a chance to shine. Definitely my favorite song in this album~

Last photo - just to give my idol some due credit for his stunning photos - Mr Leslie Kee! Just some background regarding this person in case you don't know who he is. Like myself, he's a Singaporean who went to Japan to pursue his passion for photography and because of his determination and how he is able to self-motivate, he became extremely successful. He worked with divas like ayumi hamasaki, Koda Kumi and even Lady Gaga - all my favorites! I aspire to be like him - a photographer of famous people + high fashion!!

In terms of the music, this album is not a letdown. Even though it lacks a happy or summer song (it's not even summer right now so I suppose you can forgive that, no?), the different songs have different feels. I'm not that good in verbalizing my thoughts for music but what I can do is to show you the CM for her album below to give you a feel of how good this masterpiece is before I end this entry~

Good eh!! Okay~ Shall end here~ Until I buy my next CD!! :)

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