- adaptation of TM Network's "SEVEN DAYS WAR"

The day that I've been dreading is finally here and I'm not one bit excited at all. I still remember the days where I had to go overseas - Japan, Boston, and I don't feel this negativity building inside me. But why is Australia so repulsive? Well, the continent is definitely wonderful for holidays but I'm not going there for fun or games... I'm there to hug some tree in the forest.

Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought... Maybe it would be fun... Maybe maybe...

I will only be coming back to civilization forty days from today. In fact, I'll be flying off at 2:30pm this afternoon and who knows what time I'll reach Australia. Few days back, I didn't have a single bit of emotions about going overseas for an exercise but hours before flying off, I can't really bring myself to sleep even though my eyelids are getting heavy. Nervous~

But at least when I get there, I'll be seeing familiar faces. My platoon will be there and they are probably feeling the same confusion as I am - or not... My best friend will be there... Things will be familiar again but on the other hand, not as familiar...

Staying in the open ain't exciting. I never liked camps in school. Never liked outfield life. I'm a city person, not a "Man vs Wild" adventurer. I prefer concrete and buildings over trees and dirt.

Oh well~ Whining isn't going to change anything...

FORTY DAYS WAR, I'll fight
So I can just be myself

See y'all in forty days!!

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