For human rights & equality!!

Petition against Uganda's "Kill the Gay" Law

No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian or transgendered life
I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive
-Lady Gaga "Born This Way"

Early in the morning and the world has to give me this kind of problems to headache about - this retarded "Kill the Gay" law in Uganda. Anyway, before I start ranting, I urge everyone reading this post to go click on the link above (shall put another one at the end of this post in case y'all are too lazy to scroll up) and spend less than 2 minutes just filling in your name, email address, contact number to help repel this law.

For more information, visit the website as well - of course right?

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of these discrimination because look - what's the freakin' point? To me, it's the human rights because I feel that I'm already deprived of it at where I stay and what I'm doing and I don't want others to be going through this oppression. Speaking of oppression, the heat in Singapore's really bad, no? Good thing it rained a little bit just now and I'm enjoying the cool air whilst it lasts.

Back to the topic. Other than the fact that "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga is a fabulous song, it speaks volume against discrimination. If people are born that way, then LET THEM BE! You're not God or some celestial being that can change the way they were created. If you don't like them, let them be! It's not as though they are posing any form of threats!

Come on~ We're already in a modern civilization (correct me if Uganda is still not one and that's why, I infer, that they are passing this mindless bill out) and everyone should be given a chance to speak and to have opinions. Just because someone else's personal feelings and opinions are different from yours doesn't mean you can KILL them! Is that fair?!

Which comes to my other point - if you're al-so-mighty, they why do you feel THREATENED? Yes! You're just like a mouse in the rathole! Cowardly!

So, if you like what I said against people who are against human rights and you want to have a VOICE for yourself, then you should petition against this law. But please, I urge you to do it quick because they don't have much time left - these innocent people who were born UNIQUE do not have much time left. We need the world to be their supporters - to be with them in this fight.

For lazy people, here's the link again -

Sometimes, I feel like I should go be a human rights activist because I'm so frustrated against restrictions on people's lifestyles but again, I want to be a photographer and I don't want anything to do with politics but I'll do whatever is in my capabilities to help - like blogging about this incident. It's the least I can do and I hope you feel the same way too.

"If you were one of them who are going to be sentenced to death for 
being born the way you are, how would you feel?"


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