Probably the most beautiful ad I've seen in my life...

*Sheds a little tear* Isn't this advertisement the most beautiful thing you have ever seen - where people stand up for what they believe in and toss discrimination out of the window, especially in Singapore; a typical Asian country with too many rigid "rules" and old-fashioned mindsets still lurking in this modern age.

Actually, I've noticed this video on facebook at the pink dot page (where you can access by clicking on this link: because Ms Chua Ying Ying invited me to this event on June 18, 2011 at Hong Lim Park (where on earth is that anyway?) but I haven't got the chance to actually read through what this pink dot thing was about until just now... And I'm amazed.

I'm amazed that there are actually people in Singapore who gives a damn over what other people are feeling, that there are actually people who challenges the notion of what "traditional" people are thinking and that's the notion of love - yes you know~ the key ingredients to many songs nowadays?

I believe that everyone should be given the basic right to love (or to feel whatever they are feeling because it's their own mind, own emotions and own feelings). No one's to dictate what's right or wrong to them. Heck~ Nowadays, what's actually defined as right or wrong, normal or abnormal?

Who defines normal? What is normal actually? How did this normal came out in the first place? Aren't human beings the ones who defined rules and regulations in civilization, science, math, languages, etc? Aren't they the ones who defined that 1 + 1 = 2 and not 3 or blue or Z or apple? If that's the case, then do you agree that they define what normal love is?

Where did the discrimination against the LGBT begin? Probably when they were called abnormal for their preference of who they love. Well, who defined this normal? Heck~ Do they even have the right to define what a normal thought or idea is? Is it up to them? Think about it...

To me, everyone's free to feel what they want and definitely to love who they want. No one should be judged on that because it's what the person feel is the most normal, most natural to themselves. What's the point of living life with a mask to blend into the normal society just to suffer, yes? It's time for these people to have a voice - have an event catered specially for them - and for them to be FREE...

Initially, I had doubts on whether to go to this event because there are definitely people who are going to judge me (and that my schedule's already so friggin' tight). Well, I've made up my mind. LET THEM JUDGE! I'm going to give my support to overthrow the old-fashioned to welcome the revolution of human rights! Yes! Human rights again!! I should totally be a human rights activist!

actually, I want to go there to cover the story and to take pictures but...

YES! So let's show our support and head down to this event on June 18! RSVP your attendance on the facebook page or check out their website at to learn more! P.S. I do not earn commissions for promoting for them. The only reason why I'm bothered to "advertise" their advertisement for them is because there is finally a group of brave people willing to stand up for what they believe in Singapore and I like that!

Go pink dot! You have my support!!

meow –   – (May 21, 2011 at 12:08 AM)  

Hong Lim Park is near Chinatown point. HAha! ;)

Unknown  – (May 21, 2011 at 4:13 PM)  

O~~!! Okay~ When the day comes nearer, I will check it out on the map. :)

Unknown  – (May 30, 2011 at 1:25 PM)  

Hahahahahaha! Now I know what y'all are doing in class - bunch of paparazzis...

tomentosus / luke  – (May 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM)  

no man we are just a bunch of stalkers


Unknown  – (May 30, 2011 at 2:10 PM)  

O~ Same lah~ Be my guest and stalk more~ :P I can do with more traffic... :)

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