Koda Kumi - Dejavu

And to think that I actually thought that the chances of me getting my albums that I bought off YesAsia was quite slim but no! The 2 albums I ordered had finally arrived! In this post, I shall feature Koda Kumi's latest studio album Dejavu.

Dejavu has been out for quite some time already. In fact, it was out in Japan on March 2, 2011 and it's already May right now! That's because I didn't get the Japanese version because it's so costly (but I slightly regret it now because the first press from CDJapan came with a calendar but anyway~) and because I wanted the Code 3 DVD so that my PS3 can read it.

Haven't got the chance to listen to it but I shall post the pictures of this album here anyway but before that...

Look at what I got this time from YesAsia - Boo from Super Mario! This little toy with wheels is a free gift that YesAsia gave me when I purchased 2 or more Japanese CDs from their online store. For more information, do visit my previous blog via the "reads" section on the right of this blog on my review of CDJapan and YesAsia. More details there!!

The Hong Kong press CD+2DVD press of Koda Kumi's latest studio album - Dejavu! Loving the cover because of all the details and props. What I don't really like about Hong Kong presses though are that the stickers are not in Japanese but other than that, all the rest of the things are more or less the same. Besides, it doesn't matter what version you get so long as you support the artiste by purchasing LEGAL, ORIGINAL goods.

The back of the album. There's the CD featuring 15 tracks including "Lollipop" from her "Gossip Candy" single, "POP DIVA" from her well, "POP DIVA" single and of course, "好きで、好きで、好きで。" It also comes with the promotional video DVD, just like most Japanese albums and the first press version comes with a Live concert - the Dream music park concert! Don't think I will have the time to watch these DVDs though but when I do, I'll definitely have something to keep myself busy!

The album without the plastic covering and obi. In case you're wondering (because you haven't been to my blog before), I took all of these pictures by myself and edited them by myself so do not take them and claim them as your own or use them on your sites without permission. Once, I had someone use my photo on a forum and good thing, people weren't stupid to track it back to my blog. Good~ Free publicity but I don't really need that, thank you very much.

When you open up the cover, you are greeted with 3 discs - CD on the left and DVDs on the right. Oh how I wish I can pause time right now to go watch all these DVDs but sadly, time is ticking and there's nothing I can do about it. :( Stupid army - time waster!

Close up on the CD - design inspired by a grandfather clock. Clever, no?

This is the lyric booklet! I say~ The cover of the booklet is good enough to of an album art itself (probably like an instrumental album). I wonder where they found that clock though because it's so cool!

Koda Kumi gracing the first pages of the lyric booklet with the track lists of all the discs printed on the right. Somehow, her hair and her look reminds me of ayumi's "Rock 'n' Roll Circus" photo shoots because the artistic direction was also the London feel - UK flag, red hat, whatnots. Coincidence? Hmmmm~ More suspicious though~ Or maybe avex has something up its sleeves... Even having said that though, Kumi looks good here!!

Slightly controversial photo of her kissing a statue. Well, it isn't the first time we see her kissing something/someone now, right? :) Hey~ At least she is brave okay - to express herself!

Speaking of controversial, do you know that Lady Gaga's new song "Judas" is banned in Singapore?! That angers me! It's just a song - a form of artistic output and honestly, I don't see what's so offensive about that song that it has to be banned in Singapore. Banned because of religious thingies? OUTRAGEOUS I SAY! They better not censor any part of her album when it's released because I would be damn pissed if they did! Stupid MDA.

Koda Kumi looking like a doll. Get her album to view the other gorgeous photos inside! It's a pity she did not release a photo album alongside with this album because there are so many things that she can do with these props.

Well, that's all I have for Koda Kumi's album - Dejavu. Overall, I like the photos and I believe (I hope) that the album is good because of the good singles that she released prior to this production. Plus, the theme seems very English so I'm having high expectations for the songs. Anyhow, anything is better than UNIVERSE so... :P On top of that, the release of the album with the concert is clever because it makes the album even more worth the money.

Be sure to stay tuned for the next album that came along with this shipment - Do As Infinity's 8th studio album, conveniently titled "EIGHT". The blog post should be out next week (unless I'm happy, I might push forward the publishing date. :D)

DarKScoRpioN  – (November 30, 2011 at 11:03 AM)  

Koda Kumi absolutely rocks. She's a real diva. Hot, sexy and sings very well. She's always a joy to look at. Check out 25 hot scans of Koda Kumi.

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